Rabigh project Unit 1 has achieved the simplified performance test after successful modification and optimization. It is implemented under Supplemental Agreement between the contractor and the owner, and has fulfilled its goal of reducing NOX emission, mainly by modifying and optimizing the OFA and burner system. The evaluation taken by a professional third party SGS proves that all the unit emission parameters meet the contract requirements. The simplified performance test shows that unit efficiency and heat rate remains as satisfying as it was before the modification, which excels the contract requirement.
During the outage, the first overhaul for inspection purpose was done on Unit 1 generator (by taking the rotor out, which was operated under GB standard). It shows that there is no abnormal condition with the generator. Furthermore, generator dynamic balance enabled the shaft and bearing vibration to reach a sound status which is satisfying to the owner.
Saudi Arabia Rabigh power plant is the first EPC project executed by DEC and SEPCOIII consortium with the highest contract value among the projects independently taken by Chinese contractors in Saudi Arabia. Its single unit capacity is the biggest in the Middle East. The main equipments (BTG) and partial auxiliaries are provided by DEC.
Both units of the power plant (660MW) have achieved 30-days plant reliability test on April 9th 2013, have smoothly passed through the net gross output test on April 10th, 2013, and have received unit PACs (Provisional Acceptance Certificate) on June 14th, 2013. The modification and optimization was started on October 11th, 2013 and finished in 25 days, afterwards, on November 16th, 2013, the simplified performance re-test was completed. Thus, a solid foundation has been laid for the achievement of Rabigh project Plant PAC!